Roz Ward Still Lurks

Safe Schools co-ordinator Roz Ward continued her extreme behaviour last week. This time, she proudly claimed on Facebook that the Australian flag was ‘racist’ and that a ‘red’ one should be flying on top of Victoria’s State Parliament instead:

Safe Schools Coalition co-ordin­ator Roz Ward was forced yesterday to quit her advisory role with the Victorian government and faces a university ­investigation over a Facebook post where she ­labelled the Australian flag “racist” and called for it to be replaced with a socialist red ­ensign.

Ms Ward, who was advising the government on LGBTI issues, posted the incendiary statement after Premier Daniel Andrews apologised in the parliament on Monday for past gay discrimin­ation.

The government hoisted a gay-pride rainbow flag on Victoria’s Parliament House as part of the historic event.

Ms Ward posted a photo of the rainbow flag on top of Parliament House on Facebook with the comment: “Now we just need to get rid of the racist Australian flag on top of state parliament and get a red one up there and my work is done.”

As for Ward’s ‘apology’:

Ms Ward… expressed regret. “I apologise for any offence that comments, posted on my ­private Facebook page, may have caused the government and ­members of the LGBTI community,’’ she said.

“These were private comments that were never intended for the public domain.’’

Notice how Ward’s apology is only directed towards the government and the ‘LBTBI community’? And how it is only for any offence that ‘may have been caused’? Or that nobody has called her to account for this insincere and pathetic tripe?

How did it get to this?

Roz Ward has done what she has done because she has been allowed to do so – largely in the background and without any real scrutiny or open debate… until now.

Unsurprisingly, politicians of the left like Daniel Andrews and Bill Shorten have been the biggest culprits in enabling the likes of Ward – shouting down any genuine opposition or concern to the Safe Schools agenda and disingenuously labelling dissenting people as ‘homophobic’ without any actual discussion on the merits. This recent account by Quadrant’s Patrick McCauley (of his visit with a friend to Labor MP Catherine King’s office) provides an even more glaring and concerning example of this point:

At this point I took my opportunity to speak, saying I had read the Safe Schools Program material carefully and adding that all sorts of issues concerned me. The instructions for breast-binding and penis tucking, for example, and role-playing of homosexual relationships. The references to gay websites and encouragement to visit them, I noted, were all presented as if homosexuality is the norm, and heterosexuality, well, just straight and boring.

I had to talk through Ms King at the same time that she was talking through me. I was rebuked for even  daring to speak, as it was my friend who made the appointment with her. Several times Ms King informed me that she had taken “offence” at my comments. I referred to the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse and the distress it has caused in Ballarat and ventured the view that the introduction of any program dealing with sex and gender, such as Safe Schools, must tread very carefully, as such a syllabus might easily be used to ‘groom’ children.

My local member’s reaction? She spoke darkly of the legal consequences to which I might be subjected for uttering such unacceptable thoughts.

I’m sure my memory has not failed me when I say that, at one point, she even mentioned defamation proceedings as a possible repercussion for my intolerant and unacceptable opinions.

The more we have let Ward get away with, the more she has tested the boundaries with her ever increasing extreme behaviour. The notion that her comments on Facebook were intended to be ‘private’ is ludicrous. She knew exactly what she was doing and thought it would be yet another thing she could get away with. If you don’t believe me, then just look at what she has been allowed to do:

  • Co-found the Safe Schools ‘All of Us’ program. Aside from containing large volumes of sexually inappropriate material for minors (much of the material does not pass a standard school firewall), the program was created with a disturbing socialistic agenda which requires children to sign a ‘group agreement’ of ‘agreed behaviours’, sign an ‘ally’s pledge’, undertake an ‘Ally Special Mission’ and not ‘gossip about what’s been said in this class’. Go here to see this for yourself.
  • Teach elements of the Safe Schools program (designed for Year 7 and Year 8 children) to Year 3 children – even though she has no educational qualifications whatsoever (PS: she has a ‘degree’ in ‘Gender Studies‘).
  • Openly and publicly state that only Marxism can liberate humanity, particularly in respect of sexuality and gender (in her address to the 2015 Marxism Conference (24-27 March 2015)).

When you consider the above things that Ward has been allowed to do, the only surprise is that some form of line was finally drawn when she postulated that the Victorian Parliament should have a ‘red’ flag above its roof.

If you think that society has now been purged of Roz Ward, think again. This piece of totalitarian slime is still on the payroll at La Trobe University and a Safe Schools manager (you’ll have to forgive me for reserving my opinion of La Trobe’s investigation into her behaviour). She still has plenty more in store and did not resign her Victorian Government advisory position simply to skulk back into the sewer.

Never underestimate the extreme left’s thirstiness for implementing its sickening agenda.

Need to get up to speed?

Here’s how the issue has unfolded so far. I’ll keep adding to it as this issue unfolds so that we can all keep track together. The most powerful thing we can do is keep ourselves well informed and encourage as many others as we can to review this material and form their own opinions:

  • Quality Education – Are You a Supportive Ally? – it all started with a story in The Australian on the Safe Schools ‘All of Us’ program. Among many other things, the program included 11 year old children role playing as 16 year old homosexuals.
  • Safe Schools Program to be Overhauled – the federal government sensibly overhauled the program. Full copies of the review undertaken by Professor William Louden and the changes announced by the Education Minister can be found here.
  • The All of Us Unit Guide – a link to the official unit guide is provided here, together with a handy and fully referenced summary of the worst of its content.
  • The Early Childhood Australia Board – one of the texts on which the Start Early program is based (Children’s Sexual Development and Behaviour: Pants Aren’t Rude) was written by one of ECA’s board members and is offered for sale by ECA on its website for $16.95.
  • More Evidence on the Safe Schools Agenda – the program’s Victorian co-ordinator proudly says that the program has nothing to do with celebrating diversity or stopping bullying – and that parents are powerless to ‘shut this down’.
  • Safe Schools Agenda Marches On – yet another program is added to the mix, this time a 200 page guide called ‘Catching on Early’. Roz Ward gets appointed by the Victorian Government to a high level advisory committee.
  • Roz Ward Still Lurks – Roz Ward calls the Australian flag ‘racist’ and says we need a ‘red’ one flying over Victoria’s Parliament House instead.


7 thoughts on “Roz Ward Still Lurks”

  1. Hi John, thanks for the link. I’ve finally had a chance to read through it and it’s pretty confronting material to say the least. It’s incredible that this kind of slime could be gainfully employed in universities and not sitting in jail. If I get time, I’ll do a bit more digging and fact checking on these names myself. At present, I have no reason to doubt that any of this is true, particularly when a similar kind of attitude comes up in our judiciary:


  2. Thanks Marcus, I am re-posting to my FB page just to add to my prolific posts already. The more who speak out the better. Pity that it was a slur on the flag to get some action. [ I’ve posted too about Gary Dowsett’s pro-paedophilia remarks in “Gay Information,” as well as his book, since he is 2-i-c in Ward’s “Dept. Of Degenerates”].

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi John, thanks for your help with sharing this and the extra information you have provided. I had no idea about Gary Dowsett and will read further into it.


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