Month: December 2017

TMR’s Christmas Message to Millennials

Merry Christmas Millennials!

Because I’m such a nice privileged white male, I’ve decided to give you some free advice. You may detect a common theme.

Continue reading “TMR’s Christmas Message to Millennials”


To TMR’s regular readers, the initial version of the post below (Here, Have Some More Idiot Economics) was inadvertently published from an earlier draft and was not the final version that now appears.

Apologies if you were one of the early readers.

Extra brownie points if you were one of the early readers and noticed a couple of the drafting flaws (which have now been forever stricken from the record!).

Here, Have Some More Idiot Economics

This is The West’s useful idiot of an economics editor Shane Wright, wondering the other day where WA’s economic growth was going to come from. If you would like to play along at home, try to strain your brain for the answer – goodness knows Shane tried to have a go:

Continue reading “Here, Have Some More Idiot Economics”

Remember Crooked Hillary?

Following on from Steve Kates’ post on Catallaxy Files, it’s incredible that Trump barely slurs a few words and the whole media melts down.

Conversely, when Hillary did things like this, we were expected to make nothing of it whatsoever:


I posted on Hillary’s obvious health issues during the 2016 US Presidential election campaign. One year on, a couple of the video links have interestingly gone dead.